Influence Marketing

In marketing there is always a new trendy buzz word and “influencer marketing” is a popular one right now. Popular with good reason, as if done right, influencer marketing can have unparalleled sales, growth and equity results for brands and generate unmatched ROI for marketing budgets.

But what is influence marketing? Influence marketing is a form of marketing in which focus is placed on influential people rather than the target market as a whole. It identifies the individuals that have influence over potential buyers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers.

Many people have grown cynical toward advertising. The say it shows up in every conceivable place, makes ridiculous claims, plays to our most base instincts, and crowds out things that are more interesting and essential. In a world that is saturated by advertising, it is hard for them to trust any of the claims that marketers make.

This cynicism is often eroded when recommendations for products come from friends or family members. A trusted recommendation comes with more credibility than an advertisement. That is why, according to Netpop research, 79% of social media users use these sites to find information and recommendations about products.

Advertisers realize that they can use the power of social media and other Internet tools to market to their customers indirectly. When they can encourage people to talk about and recommend their products online, these advertisers gain a unique advantage over their competition.

Influencer marketing may be trendy right now, but it isn’t new at all. It has been happening for a long time, we have just been thinking about it and defining it differently. Celebrities, athletes, and leaders were the main influencers in their respective fields and brand would partner with these individuals to promote their service offering.

What has made influencer marketing unique in the present is how social media communication has leveled the playing field and given anyone and everyone the opportunity to share their voice. Anyone with internet access can share their opinion and content, and if they do it well enough- become an influencer. Anyone with a smartphone can produce high-quality photography that ten years ago could have only come out of a $5,000 camera. The most intriguing people will rise above the rest. These individuals that rise way above the rest in following, engagement and/or content creation are a new breed of social media influencer which has rapidly changed the marketing landscape. These are the individuals that brands are scrambling to work with. And you should be too.

So is influencer marketing an important and worthwhile strategy to put your resources towards? Absolutely, and if done correctly this can single handily be the biggest catalyst for business growth. There are many young savvy brands who are using Influencer Marketing almost exclusively as their sales/marketing strategy. It is powerful, and if done right, it can have an incredible ROI that delivers tremendous business success and growth.

Influence Marketing

In marketing there is always a new trendy buzz word and “influencer marketing” is a popular one right now. Popular with good reason, as if done right, influencer marketing can have unparalleled sales, growth and equity results for brands and generate unmatched ROI for marketing budgets.

But what is influence marketing? Influence marketing is a form of marketing in which focus is placed on influential people rather than the target market as a whole. It identifies the individuals that have influence over potential buyers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers.

Many people have grown cynical toward advertising. The say it shows up in every conceivable place, makes ridiculous claims, plays to our most base instincts, and crowds out things that are more interesting and essential. In a world that is saturated by advertising, it is hard for them to trust any of the claims that marketers make.

This cynicism is often eroded when recommendations for products come from friends or family members. A trusted recommendation comes with more credibility than an advertisement. That is why, according to Netpop research, 79% of social media users use these sites to find information and recommendations about products.

Advertisers realize that they can use the power of social media and other Internet tools to market to their customers indirectly. When they can encourage people to talk about and recommend their products online, these advertisers gain a unique advantage over their competition.

Influencer marketing may be trendy right now, but it isn’t new at all. It has been happening for a long time, we have just been thinking about it and defining it differently. Celebrities, athletes, and leaders were the main influencers in their respective fields and brand would partner with these individuals to promote their service offering.

What has made influencer marketing unique in the present is how social media communication has leveled the playing field and given anyone and everyone the opportunity to share their voice. Anyone with internet access can share their opinion and content, and if they do it well enough- become an influencer. Anyone with a smartphone can produce high-quality photography that ten years ago could have only come out of a $5,000 camera. The most intriguing people will rise above the rest. These individuals that rise way above the rest in following, engagement and/or content creation are a new breed of social media influencer which has rapidly changed the marketing landscape. These are the individuals that brands are scrambling to work with. And you should be too.

So is influencer marketing an important and worthwhile strategy to put your resources towards? Absolutely, and if done correctly this can single handily be the biggest catalyst for business growth. There are many young savvy brands who are using Influencer Marketing almost exclusively as their sales/marketing strategy. It is powerful, and if done right, it can have an incredible ROI that delivers tremendous business success and growth.