Hosting Services
Web Hosting is a service, which offers web pages and other kinds of information (saved onto specially engineered servers) to customers and hosting organizations: Data, Files, Images, Video etc.
We have lightning fast server units in Germany and USA, which we use to offer Hosting services for pages with different sizes. As well as, backing unlimited amount of emails, installing safety networks for web sites and anything else associated Server Hosing.
In addition, we offer consultations for detailed characteristics about online Hosting or server maintenance to assure effortless and trouble free operational conditions for your specific software product.
Services include:
- UNLIMITED amount of Domains
- UNLIMITED amount of stored E-mails
- UNLIMITED traffic
- Email security
99,9% Uptime
SSL sertificate
PHP 5.6

Hosting Services
Web Hosting is a service, which offers web pages and other kinds of information (saved onto specially engineered servers) to customers and hosting organizations: Data, Files, Images, Video etc.
We have lightning fast server units in Germany and USA, which we use to offer Hosting services for pages with different sizes. As well as, backing unlimited amount of emails, installing safety networks for web sites and anything else associated Server Hosing.
In addition, we offer consultations for detailed characteristics about online Hosting or server maintenance to assure effortless and trouble free operational conditions for your specific software product.
Services include:
- UNLIMITED amount of Domains
- UNLIMITED amount of stored E-mails
- UNLIMITED traffic
- Email security
99,9% Uptime
SSL sertificate
PHP 5.6